- Department Name :
= District Council Secretariat, Lai Autonomous District Council.
2. Mission Statement :
= Conduct of Lai Autonomous District Council Session and its miscellaneous according to the Lai Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business) Rules.
3. Allocation of Business :
= Conduct of Lai Autonomous District Council Session normally three times in a year. In addition to this, Emergency Session also conducted by the District Council Secretariat if and when necessary.
4. Functioning :
= 1. List of Responsibilities :-
- Conduct of Lai Autonomous District Council Session.
- Sending of all Official Bills passed by the Lai Autonomous District Council Session to the Governor of Mizoram for final approval thereof.
- To produce and published Lai Autonomous District Council Session proceedings in a book form as soon as possible.
2. Main Process and Workflows :-
1. Lianchungnunga
He is the Head of Department and he is responsible for all the work.
2. FL. Kungpuii, Deputy Secretary
She assists Secretary in overall works.
3. Vanhrin Nilian Chinzah, Under Secretary
He is responsible in all establishment matters, post filling up, retention of post, Court case, pension case, etc. and any other works assigned to him by the Secretary from time to time.
4. Malsawmdawngliana, Editor of Debates
He is responsible to supervise all translation job, reporting, etc. of debates of the House and any other works assigned to him by the Secretary from time to time.
5. V. Saingura, Committee Officer
He is handled the work of various Committees/ Legislations in accordance with the norms prescribed and any other works assigned to him by the Secretary from time to time.
6. C. Lalsangzuali, Superintendent
Training, helping and advising the Staffs, maintenance of order and discipline in the Section/ Wing, and any other works assigned to him by the Secretary from time to time.
7. Juliet T. Rualtinkhumi, Stenographer-I
She types and take dictation in shorthand and to transcribe it accurately. She maintains a list of officers with whom the officer is likely to have official dealings; To keep an accurate list of engagements, meetings, etc. and any other works assigned to her by the Secretary from time to time.
8. C. Lalhmingliani, Account Officer
She is responsible for the income and expenditure of the office. To prepare salary of Chairman/ Deputy Chairman/ MDCs/ Ex-MDCs/ UDC Family Pension/ Officer and staff of the Department.
9. K. Zasiama, Translator
He translates written material from one or more source languages into the target language, making sure that the translated version conveys the meaning of the original as clearly as possible and any other works assigned to him by the Secretary from time to time.
10. Lalnunfela Llodlai, Translator
He translates Lai Autonomous District Council Session Questions, Resolutions, Rules, Regulations, General Orders, etc.
11. R. Lalruatfela, Asst. EOD
He assists in the transcription, checking, editing and proof reading and indexing of Committee reports. He also prepares periodic reports.
12. C. Lalsangliana, Committee Assistant
He assists committee officer in all duties.
13. T. Lalsangzuali, Assistant
1. NO.A.11011/12/2024-LADC/DCS - Confidential
2. NO.D.11014/1/2024-LADC/DCS - Office Expenses
3. NO.G.11015/6/2024-LADC/DCS - U/C monthly & GPR
4. NO.G.11015/7/2024-LADC/DCS - Housing Loan/Personal Loan
5. NO.G.11015/13/2024-LADC/DCS - Demand for Grants
6. NO.G.11015/8/2024-LADC/DCS - Contingencies
(She handles cash in addition to her works)
14. Vanlalhlupuii Chinzah, Computer Operator ‘A’
Typing out Lai Autonomous District Council Session Proceeding and any other works entrusted to her by the higher authority.
15. Robert Lalthazuala, Computer Operator ‘B’
Typing out Lai Autonomous District Council Session Proceeding. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
16. Michael H Laldinsanga, Computer Operator ‘B’
Typing & printing out Lai Autonomous District Council, District Council Secretariat Office Order and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
17. L. Lalzarmawii, UDC
1. NO.B.11012/9/2024-LADC/DCS - Tour Programme & Diaries
2. NO.H.11016/9/2024-LADC/DCS - Executive Meeting Minutes
3. NO.D.11014/6/2024-LADC/DCS - House Property/ House Leave
4. NO.D.11014/2/2024-LADC/DCS - Property Return
5. NO.A.11011/11/2024-LADC/DCS - Training of Officers & Staffs.
18. K. Lalchhandami, UDC
1. NO.C.11013/5/2024-LADC/DCS - Wildlife Sanctuary
2. NO.D.11014/5/2024-LADC/DCS - Court Case
3. NO.D.11014/7/2024-LADC/DCS - Village Council
4. NO.H.11016/11/2024-LADC/DCS - Delimitation
19. Merabi Lalruatsangi, UDC
1. NO.A.11011/2/2024-LADC/DCS - Appointment of Officer & Staff
2. NO.A.11011/1/2024-LADC/DCS - Office Administration
3. NO.A.11011/6/2024-LADC/DCS - ACR of Officers & Staffs
4. NO.A.11011/8/2024-LADC/DCS - Departmental Promotion Committee
5. NO.A.11011/10/2024-LADC/DCS - Posting & Transfer
20. R. Lalmuanpuii, UDC ( Bill Assistant )
1. NO.A.11011/7/2024-LADC/DCS - Pay & Allowances of Officer & Staff
2. NO.G.11015/11/2024-LADC/DCS - TA/DA Officer & Staff
3. NO.G.11015/17/2024-LADC/DCS - TA/DA for Revenue Collection
4. NO.G.11015/19/2024-LADC/DCS - New Pension Scheme
21. C. Chuailopari, UDC
1. NO.A.11011/3/2024-LADC/DCS - Leave of Officer & Staffs
2. NO.D.11014/8/2024-LADC/DCS - Maintenance of Office Building
3. NO.D.11014/4/2024-LADC/DCS - Repair & Renovation of Building
22. Lalhriatchhunga, Driver-I
He drives Department vehicles and maintains vehicles. He gets servicing / repair of vehicles done under his direct supervision, wherever required and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
23. F. Zakhara, Driver-I
He takes responsible for driving his superior to their destination in safe and timely manner and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
24. Hrangthanzova, Marshal
He assist, advice and protect the Chair. He receives the Chairman in the Session House and remain with the Chairman till he leaves the House.
25. M. Lalnunzauva, Asst. Marshal
He works for the safety and security of the Chairman. He also intimate the Chair about the names of the Members who raise their hands for asking supplementary questions in Session.
26. Laltansangi, LDC
1. NO.A.11011/4/2024-LADC/DCS - Annual Increment
2. NO.G.11015/1/2024-LADC/DCS - Budget
3. NO.G.11015/4/2024-LADC/DCS - Requirement
4. NO.G.11015/16/2024-LADC/DCS - DA & Sanction
5. NO.G.11015/2/2024-LADC/DCS - Pension of MDC & MRC
6. NO.G.11015/3/2024-LADC/DCS - Pension of Officers & Staffs
7. NO.G.11015/5/2024-LADC/DCS - Audit Objection
8. NO.H.11016/10/2024-LADC/DCS - CAG Reports
27. Lalngurchhuani, LDC ( Bill Assistant )
1. NO.G.11015/14/2024-LADC/DCS - Maintenance of Vehicles
2. NO.G.11015/18/2024-LADC/DCS - Discretionary Grants for Chairman/ Deputy Chairman
3. NO.G.11015/15/2024-LADC/DCS - Last Pay Certificate
4. NO.A.11011/9/2024-LADC/DCS `- Salary of Chairman/ Deputy Chairman & MDCs
5. NO.G.11015/20/2024-LADC/DCS - Session Expenditure
28. Jessie Lalrindiki, LDC
1. NO.B.11012/8/2024-LADC/DCS - Miscellaneous
2. NO.C.11013/8/2024-LADC/DCS - Choice of the people
3. NO.D.11014/9/2024-LADC/DCS - Information & Grievance Redressal Mechanism
4. NO.B.11012/5/2024-LADC/DCS - Dissolution/ Assumption of Power
29. C. Vanlalruatfeli, LDC
1. NO.H.11016/1/2024-LADC/DCS - Session of LADC
2. NO.H.11016/2/2024-LADC/DCS - Resolution & Motion
3. NO.H.11016/3/2024-LADC/DCS - List of Businesss
4. NO.H.11016/4/2024-LADC/DCS - Session Question
5. NO.H.11016/7/2024-LADC/DCS - Business Advisory Committee
6. NO.H.11016/12/2024-LADC/DCS - Session Unstarred Question & Answer
7. Recording of Session Question, Bill and Resolution, Register Book.
30. T. Lalneihkima, LDC
1. NO.A.11011/5/2024-LADC/DCS - Post Creation
2. NO.A.11011/13/2024-LADC/DCS - Appointment of MR Staff
3. NO.C.11013/2/2024-LADC/DCS - Correspondent with the State Government.
4. NO.C.11013/1/2024-LADC/DCS - Right to Information Act.
31. Maria Remlalnghaki, LDC
1. NO.G.11015/9/2024-LADC/DCS - M/R for MDCs, Chairman, Deputy Chairman
2. NO.G.11015/10/2024-LADC/DCS - M/R for Officers & Staffs
3. NO.G.11015/12/2024-LADC/DCS - Maintenance of Generator
4. Collecting and entering data.
32. F. Vanlalhranga, LDC
1. NO.B.11012/1/2024-LADC/DCS - Election of MDC, Chairman, Deputy Chairman & Appointment of Executive Member
2. NO.C.11013/4/2024-LADC/DCS - Constitution of Rules
3. NO.H.11016/5/2024-LADC/DCS - Appointment of Nominated Member
4. NO.H.11016/6/2024-LADC/DCS - Welfare of MDC
5. NO.B.11012/10/2024-LADC/DCS - Oath & Affirmation of MDC
6. NO.H.11016/8/2024-LADC/DCS - Previlage Committee
33. FC. Ngurthansangi, LDC
1. NO.A.11011/15/2024-LADC/DCS - Suspension of Officers & Staffs
2. NO.C.11013/3/2024-LADC/DCS - Guard File
3. NO.A.11011/14/2024-LADC/DCS - Vehicles Document
4. NO.B.11012/6/2024-LADC/DCS - News Paper & Megazine.
34. Christy Lalmuansangi, LDC
She maintains a file for record and any other works entrusted to her by the authority.
35. V. Sangthanzuala, LDC
1. All personal files
2. Incumbency Register
3. NO.B.11012/7/2024-LADC/DCS - Observation of Holiday
4. NO.D.11014/3/2024-LADC/DCS - Telecom and Power & Electricity
36. H. Thangkimliana, LDC
File movement register, index & recording and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
37. Immanuel Lalrindika, LDC
File movement register, index & recording and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
38. LP. Zairimawii, LDC
PA to Chairman, Lai Autonomous District Council.
39. B. Zachhawntluanga, Cameraman
He is responsible for everything that must be visually presented on screen. He stands behind the camera and record things for posterity.
40. Lalhmunsangi, Recorder
Diaries, Received and Issue.
41. K. Zoramthangliana, Proceeding Writer
1. Writing out of Session proceedings
2. NO.B.11012/2/2024-LADC/DCS - Election of MLA/MP
42. F. Malsawmsangi, Proceeding Writer
1. Writing out of Session proceedings.
2. NO.B.11012/3/2024-LADC/DCS - Proceedings of LADC
43. Lalthlawnpeki, Proceeding Writer
1. Writing out of Session proceedings.
2. NO.B.11012/4/2024-LADC/DCS - Proceedings of other District Council.
44. Lalbiakkimi, Proceeding Writer
1. Writing out of Session proceedings.
2. NO.B.11012/11/2024-LADC/DCS - Mizoram Legislative Assembly Proceedings.
45. Isaac Lalrinfela, Data Entry
He compiles and verifies data to ensure accuracy while appropriately formatting it. He prepares documents for entry and transcribing from paper formats into computer and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
46. K. Lalreia, Xerox Operator
He is monitoring, maintaining and operating Xerox machine and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
47. Vanduhkima, Driver-II
He takes responsible for driving his superior to their destination in safe and timely manner and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
48. B. Lalengliana, Driver-II
He drives Department vehicles and maintains vehicles and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
49. Vanlalsanga, Driver-III
He gets servicing / repair of vehicles done under his direct supervision, wherever required and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
50. C. Lalrodina, Driver-III
He gets servicing / repair of vehicles done under his direct supervision, wherever required, and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
51. B. Lalrozuala, Driver-III
He gets servicing / repair of vehicles done under his direct supervision, wherever required, and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
52. R. Lalnunthara, Driver-III
He gets servicing / repair of vehicles done under his direct supervision, wherever required, and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
53. H. Lalpekhlua, Driver-III
He gets servicing / repair of vehicles done under his direct supervision, wherever required, and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
54. K. Lalfanthanga, Technician-I
He inspect, analyze, and troubleshoot Department equipment. He runs test and interpret the result to make the effective recommendations to fix faulty or broken equipment and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
55. F. Laithuampuia, Technician-II
He inspect, analyze, and troubleshoot Department equipment. He runs test and interpret the result to make the effective recommendations to fix faulty or broken equipment and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
56. T. Lalnawla, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
57. TC. Tialchuha, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
58. Vanhmunnuama, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
59. N. Muankima, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
60. Lalchullova, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
61. S. Zanawla, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
62. Lalnghakmawii, Peon
She is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to her by the higher authority.
63. PT. Sangchhuma, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
64. Lalhmingchhuana Ralte, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
65. K. Ronunga, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
66. H. Sanghmingliana, Peon
He is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
67. Lalsangchami, Peon
She is attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. and any other works entrusted to her by the higher authority.
68. T. Rothuama, Dak Runner
He works for outdoor and indoor delivery, sending and collecting of all official documents, materials, packages, etc. as needed and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
69. N. Zomuansanga, Dak Runner
He works for outdoor and indoor delivery, sending and collecting of all official documents, materials, packages, etc. as needed and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
70. Lalpekmawia, Dak Runner
He works for outdoor and indoor delivery, sending and collecting of all official documents, materials, packages, etc. as needed and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
71. K. Lalrohlua, Dak Runner
He works for outdoor and indoor delivery, sending and collecting of all official documents, materials, packages, etc. as needed and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
72. Lalramsanga, Chowkidar
He is watching the office during off- office hours. He is keeping the office tables, chairs, almirahs, windows, book-shelves, room clean and tidy. Before leaving the office, he checks if all the systems are switch off, lights and fan are switch off, doors and windows of rooms are closed, and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
73. S. Lalramchhana, Chowkidar
He is watching the office during off- office hours. He is keeping the office tables, chairs, almirahs, windows, book-shelves, room clean and tidy. Before leaving the office, he checks if all the systems are switch off, lights and fan are switch off, doors and windows of rooms are closed, and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
74. K. Vanlalhnemi, Sweeper
Sweeping, mopping, and buffing floors, vacuuming carpeted areas, dusting surfaces, scrubbing and any other works entrusted to her by the higher authority.
75. Lalhnehzela, Sweeper
Sweeping, mopping, and buffing floors, vacuuming carpeted areas, dusting surfaces, scrubbing and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authoritiy.
76. H. Rohlupuia, House Guard
He is protecting House properties, Officers and Staff, customers, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
77. V. Laltlanzauva, House Guard
He is protecting House properties, Officers and Staff, customers, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
78. H. Lianzuala, House Guard
He is protecting House properties, Officers and Staff, customers, etc. and any other works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
79. Lalenkawli, Peon
Any works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
80.Jerrimiah, Peon
Any works entrusted to him by the higher authority.
5. Achievements :
= Not Available.
6. Initiatives and Projects :
= Not Available.
7. Organization Chart :
Department Structure :
SI.No . |
Name of Post |
Role of Post |
1 | Secretary | He is the Head of Department and the administrator of the Department. He exercises all the powers delegated to him. |
2 |
Deputy Secretary | He acts as the Head of Department when the Secretary is on leave or on tour, etc. He assist the Secretary in the discharge of his functions and as assigned to him by the Secretary. |
3 |
Under Secretary | He is responsible to supervise the ministerial and other staff working in the District Council Secretariat. Handling all matters relating to establishment, stores, administrative and other works assigned to him from time to time. |
4 |
Editor of Debates | He is entrusted and take charge a full report of the District Council at each of its meetings, to be prepared as soon as possible after such meeting. He is responsible to supervise all translation job, reporting, etc. of debates of the House. |
5 | Committee Officer | He is responsible to the works of various Committees/ Legislations in accordance with the norms prescribed. |
6 | Superintendent | He is responsible for helping and advising the staff, maintenance of orders and discipline in the Section/ Wing. |
7 |
Account Officer | He is responsible in accounting works check on expenditure. To prepare Salary of Chairman/ Deputy Chairman/ MDCs/ Ex-MDCs/ Officers and Staffs of the Department. |
8 |
Translator | Translation of material i.e., Lai Autonomous District Council Session Questions, Resolutions, Rules, Regulations, General Orders, etc. |
9 | Assist. Editor of Debates | He assists Editor of Debates in all matters relating to Session Proceedings. |
10 | Committee Assistant | He assists Committee Officer. |
11 | Assistant | He works under the supervision of Superintendent and is responsible for the works entrusted to him. |
12 | Upper Division Clerk (UDC) | He works under the supervision of Superintendent and is responsible for the works entrusted to him. |
13 | Lower Division Clerk | Lower Division Clerks are entrusted with registration of Dak, file register, file movement, maintenance of section diary, etc. |
14 | Proceedings Writer | Writing out of Lai Autonomous District Council Session proceeding. |
15 |
Private Secretary to Chairman | He is responsible in keeping the Chairman free from routine nature of work by mailing correspondence, filling papers, making appointments, arranging meeting and collecting information, etc. |
16 | PA to Chairman/ Deputy Chairman | Maintaining of files pertaining to different subject and check all types of expenditure/ refreshment bills of Chairman/ |
| Deputy Chairman Branch and other duties of different nature assigned by the Chairman/ Deputy Chairman from time to time. |
17 |
Marshal/ Asst. Marshal | They are responsible for checking any unruly behaviour and physical violence that may be perpetuated by the elected representative. |
18 | Stenographer | Writing in short hand and Typing if and when necessary. |
19 |
Computer Operator | Data entry work and computerization of data entry work and helping in bringing out the statistical publications. To monitors and manipulates daily system jobs. |
20 | Xerox Operator | Operating and maintaining xerox machine. |
21 | Recorder | Recording of Lai Autonomous District Council Sessions. |
22 |
Technician | He is responsible in monitoring and servicing systems, diagnosing problems and troubleshooting equipment, running tests and completing reports, repairing or replacing faulty equipment. |
23 | Cameraman | To act as photographer. |
24 | Data Entry Operator | Operating computer/ System analyzing in the Department. |
25 | Driver | Driving Departmental vehicles. |
26 |
Dak Runner | They are responsible for outdoor and indoor delivery, sending and collecting of all official documents, materials, packages, etc. as needed. |
27 | Peon/ Chowkidar/ Sweeper/ Mali | Attending the bell of the Officers, ensuring that sitting arrangement in the staff’s room and Officer’s room is clean and hygienic, etc. |
28 | House Guard | They are responsible for protecting House properties, Officers and Staff, customers, etc. |
List of Officer & Staff :
1. | Lianchungnunga | Secretary |
2. | FL. Kungpuii | Deputy Secy. |
3. | Vanhrin Nilian Chinzah | Under Secy. |
4. | Malsawmdawngliana | EOD |
5. | V. Saingura | Com. Officer |
6. | Juliet Rualtinkhumi | Steno.- I |
7. | C. Lalhmingliani | AO |
8. | K. Zasiama | Translator |
9. | Lalnunfela Llodlai | Translator |
10. | R. Lalruatfela | Asst.EOD |
11. | C. Lalsangzuali | Superintendent |
12. | T. Lalsangzuali | Assistant |
13. | Vanlalhlupuii Chinzah | Com. Opt.’A’ |
14. | C. Lalsangliana | Committee Assistant |
15. | Hrangthanzova | Marshall |
16. | Lalzarmawii | UDC |
17. | Merabi Lalruatsangi | UDC |
18. | K. Lalchhandami | UDC |
19. | R. Lalmuanpuii | UDC |
20. | C. Chuailopari | UDC |
21. | Robert Lalthazuala | Com. Opt.’B’ |
22. | Michael H Laldinsanga | Com. Opt.’B’ |
23. | Lalngurchhuani | LDC |
24. | Laltansangi | LDC |
25. | H. Thangkimliana | `LDC |
26. | Jessie Lalrindiki | LDC |
27. | C. Vanlalruatfeli | LDC |
28. | F. Vanlalhranga | LDC |
29. | T. Lalneihkima | LDC |
30. | FC. Ngurthansangi | LDC |
31. | Maria Remlalnghaki | LDC |
32. | LP. Zairimawii | LDC |
33. | Immanuel Lalrindika | LDC |
34. | Christy Lalmuansangi | LDC |
35. | V. Sangthanzuala | LDC |
36. | K. Zoramthangliana | Proce. Writer |
37. | F. Malsawmsangi | Proce. Writer |
38. | Lalthlawnpeki | Proce. Writer |
39. | Lalbiakkimi | Proce. Writer |
40. | K. Lalfanthanga | Technician- I |
41. | F. Laithuampuia | Technician-II |
42. | Isaac Lalrinfela | Data Entr Opt. |
43. | Lalhmunsangi | Recorder |
44. | K. Lalreia | Xerox Opt. |
45. | M. Lalnunzaua | Asst. Marshall |
46. | Zachhawntluanga | Cameraman |
47. | Lalhriatchhunga | Driver-I |
48. | F. Zakhara | Driver-I |
49. | Vanduhkima | Driver-II |
50. | B. Lalengliana | Driver-II |
51. | Vanlalsanga | Driver-III |
52. | C. Lalrodina | Driver-III |
53. | R. Lalnunthara | Driver-III |
54. | B. Lalrozuala | Driver-III |
55. | H. Lalpekhlua | Driver-III |
56. | T. Lalnawla | Peon |
57. | Vanhmunnuama | Peon |
58. | TC. Tialchuha | Peon |
59. | N. Muankima | Peon |
60. | Lalchullova | Peon |
61. | S. Zanawla | Peon |
62. | Lalnghakmawii | Peon |
63. | K. Ronunga | Peon |
64. | Lalhmingchhuana Ralte | Peon |
65. | H. Sanghmingliana | Peon |
66. | PT. Sangchhuma | Peon |
67. | Lalsangchami | Peon |
68. | Lalenkawli | Peon |
69. | Jeremiah | Peon |
70. | T. Rothuama | Dak Runner |
71. | N. Zomuansanga | Dak Runner |
72. | Lalpekmawia | Dak Runner |
73. | K. Lalrohlua | Dak Runner |
74. | H. Lianzuala | House Guard |
75. | V. Laltlanzauva | House Guard |
76. | H. Rohlupuia | House Guard |
77. | Lalramsanga | Chawkidar |
78. | Lalramchana | Chawkidar |
79. | Vanhnemi | Sweeper |
80. | Lalhnehzela | Sweeper |
8. Contact us : Lianchungnunga Secretary, Lai Autonomous District Council.
Ph : 9862083593
Email :
1. Officers and Staffs
2. Officer’s
3. General Room
4. Proceeding Section
5. Account Section
6. Chairman & Deputy Chairman Personnel Branch