- The LADC (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2024
- The LADC (Group A,B,C & D posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016.
- The Lai Autonomous District Council ( Entry of Goods into Market Tax) Regulation, 2019
- Corrigendum of the latest list of all VC seats Under LADC
- The LADC (Land Holding & Settlement 2nd Amendment) Act 2023
- The LADC (Salaries & Allowances of the CEM & EM's) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023
- The LADC (Junior Engineer & Sectional Assistant) Recruitment Rules, 2022
- The LADC (Town Committee) (Amendment) Act, 2021
- The LADC (Constitution of Planning & Development Board) Rules, 2021
- The LADC (Education and Human Resources Department (Group ‘B’ & ‘D’) Recruitment Rules, 2020
- The LADC Education and Human Resources Department (Group ‘B’ & ‘D’) Recruitment Rules, 2020
- The LADC Transfer & Posting of Elementary Teachers Rules, 2020
- The LADC (Inheritance of Property) Act, 2019
- The LADC (Establishment and Management of Elementary School Education) Regulation, 2019
- The LADC (Chainsaw Control & Regulations) Rules, 2019
- The LADC (Marriage & Divorce) Act, 2019
- The Mizoram Autonomous District Council Fund Rules, 2018
- The Mizoram Autonomous District Council Grant In Aid Rules 2018
- THE LAI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL (Group A, B, C & D posts) Recruitment
(First Amendment) Rules, 2016 - The LADC (Board of School Education) (First Amendment) Rules,2015
- The Lai Autonomous District (Village Councils) Act, 2010
- The LADC (Publication Board) Rules 2010
- The LADC CCB Rules 3rd Amendment, 2015
- The LADC CCB Rules 2nd Amendment 2014
- The LADC (Public Health and Sanitation) Rules, 2014
- The LADC (Allocation of Business) Rules, 2013
- The Lai Autonomous District Council (Board of School Education) Rules, 2001
- Notification of Lai District Council,1989
- The Lai Customary Law
- A Compilation of Acts, Regulations & Rules under LADC Vol.-I, Vol-II & Vol. III
- The ADC Employees (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2011
- The LADC General Service Rules, 2011
- The ADC Salaries and Allowances of the CEM and EM (First Amendment) Rules, 2012
- The LADC (Right to Information) Rules, 2012
- The LADC (Group A,B,C & D posts) Recruitment Rules, 2014
- The LADC (Board of School Education) Rules, 2001
Who is WhoBrief History of LADC Environment, Forest & Climate Change, LADC Office & Divisions
Lai Autonomous District Council
About the Department
General Administration & Control Department Education and Human Resources Department (P/S)Land Resources Soil & Water Conservation DepartmentInformation & Public Relations DepartmentAdministrative Setup of LADCIncumbency Chart of Executive SecretariesLIST OF LADC GENERAL SERVICE OFFICERSContact Number of HoD/HoO
Citizen's Charter
Citizen's Charter
LADC RTI RulesList of RTI OfficerRTI Monthly Update PageRTI Quarterly Updater PageRTI Monthly Updater Page
RTI Department Disclosure
Soil & Water Conservation DepartmentLocal Administration DepartmentPlanning & Prog. ImplementationAgriculture DepartmentHorticulture DepartmentSanitation DepartmentFisheries DepartmentIndustries Department - One Year AchievementSericulture DepartmentSPORTS & YOUTH SERVICE DEPTINFORMATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENTANIMAL HUSBANDRY & VETERINARY DEPTTAXATION DEPARTMENTLand revenue & Settlement Dept.Rural Development Dept.Education Dept. (Primary School)Art & CultureGeneral Administration DeptCO-OPERATION DEPARTMENTEDUCATION DEPARTMENT M/SAH & Vety DepartmentIndustry DepartmentO.M/NotificationFOREST DEPARTMENT RTIPublic Health Engineering Department