1. OFFICE MEMORANDUM - LADC Sawrkar Chanchinbu Enkawlna leh Inkaihhruaina 2025.
  2. Partial Modification on Notification Regarding Syllabus for Direct Recruitment Examination for Judicial Officer.
  3. Notification from District Council & Minority Affairs Dept Mizoram.
  4. Gazzetted status to Headmaster M/S under LADC
  5. O.M : Professional Training Course zawm tura intirh chungchang.
  6. NOTIFICATION Regarding Modification of the list of Departments in the First Schedule under Rule 3 of LADC(Transaction of Business) Rules, 2013.
  7. Notification Regarding allocation of subjects/functions to the Information & Communication Technology Department LADC.
  8. Appointment of CPGRAM's Nodal Officer, 'Mipui Aw'
  9. LADC Sub-Hqrs. leh Divisional Office hrang hranga Administration chungchang
  10. Creation of Information & Communication Technology Department
  11. Appointment of EM's on 27th May, 2024
  12. MDCs New Salary LADC.
  13. Notification: Internal Complaint Committee of the Sexual Harassment of Women.
  14. LADCBSE hnuai a school in affiliate zawng zawng te hman tur Rationalization of Elementary School Textbooks' chungchang.
  15. Combine Gradation List of the LADC General Service Officer as on 1st April, 2024
  16. Notification regarding the charge and hold the post of Executive Secretary, Lai Autonomous District Council
  17. Notification from G.A.D Govt. of Mizoram
  18.  Partial-modification-to-om-on-revised-room-rent.
  19. The LADC Regularization of Contract Employees Scheme, 2023
  20. O.M. for Amendment of Terms & Conditions for Engagement of Employees on Contract Basis
  21. O.M. for Terms & Conditions for Engagement of Employees on Contract Basis
  22. O.M. on alteration of date of Birth
  23. Creation of M.Kawnpui Division & Vathuampui Forest Range
  24. Allocation of Information & Communication Technology to I&PR Department
  25. Relocation of Ngengpuikai (Village Council Area) 
  26. Warrant of Precedence