Proactive Disclosure under the RTI Act, 2005
lnformation to be disclosed under Section 4(1(b) of the RTI Act, 2005
Proactive Disclosure under Section 4(1)(b) :
The purpose of Suo Motu disclosure under Section 4 is to place possibly large amount of information in the public domain based on proactive disclosure in order to effectively provide transparency from Public Authorities and to reduce the cost of man power in filing the individual applications under RTI. As such, Section 4(1)(b) emphasizes information which should be disclosed by Public Authorities on a Suo Motu basis.
General Administration Department has come up with its Suo Motu disclosure under RTI Act 2005 in this booklet, to enable the public to have access to the working of the Department.
This information is updated up to OCTOBER,2022
1.The particulars of organisation, functions and duties [Section4(1)b(i)] :
ADDRESS : General Administration & Control Department, Lai Autonomous District Council, Council Veng Lawngtlai, Lawngtlai District Mizoram,796891
Details Available in public domain @
The General Administration Department is one of the most important regulatory departments of the Lai Autonomous District Council. On the one hand the Department prescribes rules and procedure to be adopted in personnel matters specially issues concerning recruitment, training, career development, staff welfare as well as the post retirement dispensation, whereas on the other it acts as the cadre controlling department of all the officers and staff. The department is also concerned with the issues relating to administrative reforms. The Executive Committee has constituted Personnel Administrative & Reforms Wing (PA&RW).The department also looks after the constitution and working of a number of Committee and Boards.
The General Administration Department looks after various important subjects as entrusted to it by “The LADC (Allocation of Business) Rules, 2013”. The Department functions under the leadership of the Hon’ble Chief Executive Member. The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary, ably assisted by one Joint Secretary, one Deputy Secretary, one Under Secretaries, two Superintendents and 20 supporting staff. GAD, being entrusted with, Administration, is the Administrative Department for all offices in the Headquartes Located in LAWNGTLAI along with offices in the Sub-Hqrs Bualpui ‘NG’ and other divisions of all the 6 (six) Divisions of LADC, viz, Vathuampui,Bungtlang ‘S’,Diltlang ‘S’, Chawngte ‘P’, Sangau and Lungtian. The Revenue Officers look after all administration in the respective division.Lai Autonomous District Council House in Aizawl is administratively, looked after by the General Administration Department.
The General Administration Department is responsible for seeing that the rules and principles relating to service in general and properly followed. The Department has been functioning under the overall charge of Secretary, who is presently assisted by one Joint Secretary, one Deputy Secretary, one Under Secretary and other supporting officers and staff.
The Personnel Administrative& Reforms Wing is the coordinating agency of the LADC in personnel matters, specially in respect of issues concerning recruitment, training, career development and staff welfare. The Wing has been functioning under the charge of Secretary (Personnel) who is presently assisted by one Superintendent and other supporting staff.
General Administration Department is entrusted with the following subjects:
Citizen’s Charter :-
1. General / Office Administration.
2. Creation of Sub-Headquarters.
3. Rest Houses
4. Census / Holiday
5. Ceremonial functions including celebration of Republic Day and Independence Day
6. Posts / Telegraph / Bank.
7. Allotment of residential accommodation.
8. Civil Supplies.
9. Electricity / Water
10. Annual / Administration Report.
11. Protocol
12. Allotment of subject to the Department, creation, re-organization and amalgamation of Department
13. Lai Autonomous District Council (Transaction of Business)
14. Visit of VVIPs / VIPs.
15. Matters relating to Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India
16. Miscellaneous matters.
17. Correspondences with Central / Sate Govt. Election.
18. Election.
19. Executive Committee meeting
20. Training
21. All matters relating to recruitment / appointment / promotion / transfer & posting / leave /suspension / disciplinary action / reinstatement of all categories employees under Lai Autonomous District Council.
22. Rules & procedures regarding fixation of seniority / promotion and all matters relating thereto.
23. Creation / classification of posts / service rules.
24. Condonation of education deficiency for Lai Autonomous District Council service.
25. All service matters relating to all categories of employees except teaching staff.
26. Maintenance of personal / service books / incumbency register of all categories of employees except teaching staff
27. Deputation
28. Matter relating to service association.
29. Authorization of pension, DCRG, Commutation etc.
30. All pensionary matters.
31. Rules relating to pensionary matters.
32. Law & order.
33. Employment Return / statistic of employees.
34. Security arrangement.
35. All other matters not specifically allotted to any Department.
Vision/Mission and key objectives :
The General Administration Department is responsible for seeing that the rules and principles relating to service in general and properly followed.
"Development and management of human resources of the government for efficient, effective, accountable and transparent governance"
To arrange for recruitment and capacity building of government servants, management of cadres, facilitating e-governance, framing and implementing recruitment/service rules, optimizing/rationalizing human resources, and implementing accepted recommendations of 2nd ARC, and inculcating a culture of excellence, transparency, accountability and zero-tolerance towards corruption in public services.
(2) The powers and duties of its officers and employees [Section 4(l )b(ii)]:
The broad functions and responsibilities of various functionaries in the Department are given in the succeeding paragraphs. To maximize governance, it is necessary to delegate powers to various functionaries :
- Secretary: A Secretary is the administrative head of the Department. He/she is the principal adviser of the Chief Executive Member, Executive Member on all matters of policy and administration within his/her Department, and his/her responsibility is complete and undivided. She/he is the Chief Accounting Authority of the Department.
- Joint Secretary: Such a functionary is normally vested with the maximum measure of independent functioning and responsibility in respect of the business falling within his/her wing, subject to the overall responsibility of the Secretary for the administration of the Department.
- Deputy Secretary: Deputy Secretary is an officer who acts on behalf of the Secretary, holds charge of a Secretariat Division and responsible for the disposal of Government business dealt with in the Division under his/her charge. He/she should ordinarily be able to dispose of the cases as per the powers delegated or as per the channel of submission of the Department.
- Under Secretary: An Under Secretary is in charge of a Branch in a Department consisting of one or more Sections/ Units/ Cells and exercises control both in regard to the disposal of business and maintenance of discipline. As Branch Officer, he disposes off as many cases as possible at his own level but he/she takes the orders of Deputy Secretary or higher officers on important cases. He/she is inter-alia responsible for development and maintenance of aids to processing as tools of manual and electronic knowledge management.
- Section Officer/Superintendent: A Section Officer/Superintendent is in-charge of a Section, the primary unit of a Department in the Secretariat, comprising a team of Assistant and supporting staff. A Section Officer/Superintendent has overall responsibility for supervising the activities and performance of the Section with the help of dealings and clerical support besides; a) distribution of work among staff, training, helping, advising them in the matter of work, maintenance of discipline and team spirit in the Section; b) monitoring of efficient and expeditious disposal of cases; c) timely submission of reports and returns to higher officers and other concerned units and; d) managing effective person-independent information management and records management in the Section.
- Assistant: He/she works as Dealing Officer under the supervision of the Section Officer. Each Dealing Officer is allocated subjects out of the subject areas allocated to the Section and he/she is expected to deal with all matters allocated or any other work assigned to him/her from time to time. Provides miscellaneous support to the Section /Unit /Desk in carrying out day to day work like photocopying /record handling and maintenance, registration of Dak, marking / sending Receipts / files and other associated tasks or any other work assigned from time to time. He/she may be assigned case work of repetitive nature.
- Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): Erstwhile Group 'D' posts of Peon, Daftary, Junior Gestetner Operator, Farash, Chowkidar, Safaiwala, Mali etc. are now designated as MTS. An illustrative (but not exhaustive) list of duties of MTS are:
(i)Physical maintenance of records of Section.
(ii) General cleanliness & upkeep of the Section/Unit.
(iii) Carrying of files & other papers within the building.
(iv) Photocopying, sending of FAX etc.
(v) Other non-clerical work in the Sections/Unit.
(vi) Assisting in routine office work like diary, dispatch etc. including on computer.
(vii) Delivering of Dak (inside & outside the building)
(viii) Watch & ward duties.
(ix) Opening & closing of rooms.
(x) Cleaning of rooms.
(xi) Dusting of furniture etc.
(xii) Cleaning of building, fixture etc.
(xiii) Work related to his ITI qualification, if it exists.
(xiv) Driving of vehicles, if in possession of valid driving license.
(xv) Upkeep of parks, lawns, potted plants etc.
(xvi) Any other work assigned by superior authority.
(3) The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability [Section4(l) b(iii)]:-
The Department follows the procedure indicated in Manual of Office Procedure (MOP) for decision-making. The Section Officer proposes Action with the help of staff (Assistant, UDC and LDC) posted in his section in accordance with the departmental instructions prescribing the level of final disposal and channel of submission for each category of cases. The Section Officer normally submits the file to Under Secretary who in turn submits the file to Deputy Secretary, the DS submit the file to the concerned Joint Secretary / Additional Secretary/ Secretary/ Executive Secrtary/ EM/CEM. Level of submission depends on the delegation of power in administrative and financial issues. Each officer in the channel is accountable with respect to submission of true facts, but the ultimate accountability lies with the highest level approving a proposal or taking decision.
i)Process of decision making Identify key decision making points Indicated in organization set up:- View Organisational Chart
ii)Final decision making authority : - Chief Executive Member
iii) Related provisions, acts, rules etc.:- GFRA Manual of Office Procurement,MADC Fund Rules,2018,LADC (Constitution,Conduct of Business etc.) Rules,2010 etc.
(iv) Time limit for taking a decisions, if any :- Depending on the nature of work
(4) The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions.[Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]:-
i) Nature of functions/ services offered : The General Administration Department is one of the most important regulatory departments of the Lai Autonomous District Council. On the one hand the Department prescribes rules and procedure to be adopted in personnel matters specially issues concerning recruitment, training, career development, staff welfare as well as the post retirement dispensation, whereas on the other it acts as the cadre controlling department of all the officers and staff. The department is also concerned with the issues relating to administrative reforms. The Executive Committee has constituted Personnel Administrative & Reforms Wing (PA&RW).The department also looks after the constitution and working of a number of Committee and Boards.
The General Administration Department looks after various important subjects as entrusted to it by “The LADC (Allocation of Business) Rules, 2013”. The Department functions under the leadership of the Hon’ble Chief Executive Member. The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary, ably assisted by one Joint Secretary, one Deputy Secretary, one Under Secretaries, two Superintendents and 20 supporting staff. GAD, being entrusted with, Administration, is the Administrative Department for all offices of offices in the Sub-HqrsBualpui ‘NG’ and other divisions of all the 6 (six) Divisions of LADC, viz, Vathuampui,Bungtlang ‘S’,Diltlang ‘S’, Chawngte ‘P’, Sangau and Lungtian. The Revenue Officers look after all administration in the respective division.Lai Autonomous District Council House in Aizawl is administratively, looked after by the General Administration Department.
ii) Norms/ standards for functions/ service delivery : As per the Manuals, the Department follows the norms set out for all Government of Mizoram offices by the Department of Personnel & Training/Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances.
(iii) Process by which these services can be accessed : As per the Manuals
(iv) Time-limit for achieving the targets : Generally depends on the nature of works
(v)Process of redress of grievances : As per the rules
(5) The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its Section [4(1)b(v)] :-
The rules and regulations, instructions and manuals etc. are as prescribed and published by the Ministry of Personnel, Pension and Public Grievances of the state Govt and the Central Govt. as well including AR Wing like FR/SR and other service/establishment manuals and instructions and financial rules like GFR and Delegation of Financial Power Rules issued by Department of Expenditure from time to time. No separate rules and regulations are framed by this Department. For the administration of various Acts as indicated in the function of the Department, attached / subordinate organisations keep the rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records.
- Title and nature of the record/manual/instruction : Manual of Office Procedure
- List of Rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records:-
As per Fundamental Rules (FR), Supplementary Rules (SR) and GFRA
(iii)Acts/ Rules manuals etc :- As per Fundamental Supplementary Rules (SR) and GFRA
- Transfer policy and transfer orders : Depending on the tenure of post held
(6) A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control [Section4(1)(b)(vi)] :-
1.Categories of documents :
1. Files relating to service matter of all Gazetted Officer.
2. Service Book of all Gazetted Officers and staff who are in the service.
3. RTI files
4. Personal files of all serving Gazetted officers and all staff.
1. Purchase of Stationery items/ miscellaneous cleaning items.
2. Purchase and maintenance of AC’s /Water Coolers/furniture/fixture etc.
3. Printing of books/ forms/ letter heads etc.
4. Procurement and maintenance of computers/printers/ photo copier machine/ fax/ telephone instruments/ staff cars etc.
5. Reimbursement of telephone bills/ canteen, coffee board, tea board bills.
6. Procurement of POL
7. Outsourcing of manpower for cleanliness etc.
8. Modernization of offices under plan scheme.
9. Service bo oks/Personal files in r/o LDCs, UDCs, Asstts, Steno Gr.’I’ and steno Gr, II’ and also in r/o Jr. Hindi Propagation, supervisor ‘ and. Librarian.
10. Seniority lists of steno Gr ‘D’ steno Gr ‘C’ Erestwhile Gr’D’ staff, LDCs and UDCs and all Gazetted Officers
11. Files pertaining to Transfer/Posting
12. Files pertaining to up gradation under ACP/MACP and promotions of the above staff.
13. Files pertaining RTI and other miscellaneous matters.
Establishment – A – (I)
1. CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964
2. CCS (CCA) Rules,1965.
3. Submission of Immovable Property Returns.
4. CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 amendments dated 9.8.2010- pension to Mileage points earned by Government servants.
5. CCS (Conduct) Rule 1964, amendments dated 2.2.2009 Constitution of complaints Committee to enquire into complaints of sexual harassment 20.
6. LADC (Transaction of Business) Rules,2013.
7. LADC (Allocation of Business) Rules,2013.
8. LADC (Constitution, Transaction of Business etc.) Rules,2010
Establishment – A - (II)
1. Extracts of provisions of FR-56 amendments dated 13.1.2011
2. FR 56- 3rd amendments dated 8.12.2010
3. FR 56- 2nd amendments dated 26.10.2010
4. FR 56- verification dated 26.5.2010
5. FR 56- amendment Rules, 2010 dated 26.5.2010
6. LADC General Service Rules,2011.
7.LADC (Group A.B.C &D Posts) Recruitment Rules,2014
Sections of the department hold different categories of documents relating to work allocated to them.
2) Custodian of documents : Held under departmental Record room supervised by the Section Officer/Superintendent.
(7) The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof; [Section4(1) b(vii)] :-
Functioning of GAD does not involve, formulation of policy relating to various issues. Therefore no such arrangement is required. However, policy if so directed by the competent authority, implementation of the same is taken up by the department.
Arrangement for consultations with or representation by the members of the public :
(i) Relevant Acts, Rules, Forms and other documents which are normally accessed by citizens: Available in the website.
ii) Arrangements for consultation with or representation by
a) Members of the public in policy formulation/ policy implementation : N/A
b) Day & time allotted for visitors : On all Working Days i.e. Monday to Friday
c) Contact details of Information & Facilitation Counter (IFC) to provide publications frequently sought by RTI applicants : through : Nodal Officer General Administration Department CEM Office Building First Floor
Public- private partnerships (PPP)
(i) Details of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), if any : N/A
(ii) Detailed project reports (DPRs) : N/A
(iii)Concession agreements. : N/A
(iv) Operation and maintenance manuals: N/A
v) Other documents generated as part of the implementation of the PPP: N/A
(vi) Information relating to fees, tolls, or the other kinds of revenues that may be collected under authorisation from the government: N/A
(vii) Information relating to outputs and outcomes: N/A
(viii) The process of the selection of the private sector party (concessionaire etc.) : N/A
(ix) All payment made under the PPP project: N/A
(viii) A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public; [Section 4(b)(viii)] :-
Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc :
i)LADC Law Committee
ii) LADC Town Committee
iii)The Lai Autonomous District Council Planning & Development Board
The documents, dispensation of the Board and Committee are accessible to the public by way of electronic and hard copies.
(9) Directory of its officers and employees; [Section4(1)(b)(ix)] :-
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
1 | H. Lalruatkima | Executive Secretary | Electric Veng | 9612 608 400 |
2 | L.Z. Tluanga | Joint Secretary | Electric Veng | 9436 148 245 |
3 | C.D. Kima | Deputy Secretary | Lawngtlai – IV | 9436 378 228 |
4 | Thansiama | Under Secretary | Lawngtlai – IV | 8413 896 164 |
5 | Vanlalhnema | Addl. PS to CEM | Lawngtlai – IV | 8731 001 759 |
6 | Lalnunpuii Fanai | Superintendent | Bazar Veng | 9862 823 801 |
7 | Lalhminghlupuii Thangen | DRC | Aizawl | 9362 597 006 |
8 | David A. Lalhmingchhuana | Asst. DRC | Aizawl | 9612 853 803 |
9 | Lalramkimi | Assistant | Lawngtlai – IV | 8132 041 737 |
10 | S. Lawmchunga | Statistician | Council Veng | 6909 751 131 |
11 | Ramdinsangi Chinzah | UDC | Bazar Veng | 8787 723 479 |
12 | K. Lalhumchhungi | UDC | Lawngtlai – IV | 8974 590 368 |
13 | Vanlalhruaia | UDC | Bazar Veng | 9612 740 770 |
14 | Lalmuanpuii | UDC | Lawngtlai – III | 8575 794 684 |
15 | C. Lalpianruala | LDC | Lawngtlai – IV | 8414 826 621 |
16 | C. Lalhriatpuia | LDC | Electric Veng | 9436 791 656 |
17 | Lalvensangi Chinzah | LDC | Bazar Veng | 9612 229 424 |
18 | B. Lalramngaihzuali | LDC | Council Veng | 8132 812 041 |
19 | Jerusalem Lalhruaizeli | LDC | Lawngtlai – III | 9612 447 054 |
20 | B. Vanlalduatpuia | LDC (PA to CEM) | College Veng | 9089 916 938 |
21 | Lalthanpuii | LDC (PA to CEM) | Council Veng | 9612 197 945 |
22 | S. Vanlalenglawma | J.E (Electrical) | N. Vengpui | 9436 389 760 |
23 | C. Lalchhuanawma | Computer Operator | Bazar Veng | 9383 300 378 |
24 | Joshua T. Lalramdinmawia | Computer Operator | Lawngtlai – IV | 8119 824 846 |
25 | Lalroliana | Electrician | College Veng | 8414 031 728 |
26 | J. Lalrinngheta | Electrician | Lawngtlai – IV | 8413 007 768 |
27 | Joel R. Vanlalzuava | S.A | Lawngtlai – IV | 8731 084 255 |
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
28 | Ngunawia | Peon | College Veng | 9402 178 642 |
29 | MC. Lalsangliana | Peon | Council Veng | 7629 867 557 |
30 | V. Pathanga | Peon | N. Vengpui | 8414 971 193 |
31 | MS. Dawngliana | Peon | Lawngtlai – III | 8974 742 307 |
32 | PC. Lalnundika | Sweeper | Vengpui | 8798 567 689 |
33 | Jimmy Lallawmkima | Dak Runner | College Veng | 8730 175 457 |
34 | B. Thangzika | Dak Runner | Lawngtlai – III | 9862 967 025 |
35 | Lalmuanpuii | Peon | Council Veng | 8131 959 889 |
36 | S. Lalnunkima | Carpenter | Council Veng | 8787 777 121 |
37 | T. Lalliantluanga | Carpenter |
38 | Lalrikhuma | Driver | Lawngtlai – III | 9862 819 507 |
39 | K. Laldinliana | Driver | Lawngtlai – IV | 9612 853 976 |
40 | Joyanto Chakma | Driver | Electric Veng | 9612 715 737 |
41 | A. Lalthangzauva | Driver | Lawngtlai – IV | 9436 957 049 |
42 | C. Lalchanchinmawia | Driver | College Veng | 9862 016 205 |
43 | Zarzoliana | IV Grade | Kawlchaw |
44 | B. Lalengliana | Driver | College Veng | 9366 417 432 |
45 | M. Lalbiakmawia | Peon | Bazar | 9862 524 758 |
46 | Saplianpuii | Peon | Lawngtlai – IV |
47 | M. Lalrinmawii | Muster Roll | Bazar | 8731 082 978 |
48 | Maria N. Ramfangzauvi | Muster Roll | Bazar | 6909 701 590 |
49 | Lalawmpuii | Muster Roll | Vengpui | 8413 947 963 |
50 | Lalhriatpuii | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 8974 896 339 |
51 | Chatuan Malsawmsangi | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 8414 009 304 |
52 | Baby Laltanpuii | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III |
53 | Sangnghaki | Muster Roll | Electric Veng | 9612 235 843 |
54 | Lalramhluni | Muster Roll | Thingkah | 9077 316 392 |
55 | NC. Rosangzuala | Muster Roll | Electric Veng | 8415 890 045 |
56 | H. Vanlalrohlupuia | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III | 8415 035 368 |
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
57 | Biakthantluangi | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – IV | 7629 079 311 |
58 | Lalthlamuana | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 6909 138 850 |
59 | C. Lalbiakzuali | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III | 6909 880 766 |
60 | H. Vanmalsawmi | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – IV | 8974 782 996 |
61 | VL. Malsawma | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 8413 024 750 |
62 | Baby Lalnuntluangi | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III | 9612 613 765 |
63 | C. Lalchawiliana | Photographer (Fixed) | College Veng | 9436 555 672 |
(10) The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations; [Section 4(1)(b(x)]:-
(11) The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made; [Section 4(1)b(xi)] :-
A. Salary Head – 01-GIA to LADC : Direction and Administration
Sl.No | Items | Budget Estimates 2021-2022 | Revised Estimates 2021-2022 | Budget Estimates 2022-2023 |
A | Salary | `.1,035.60 | `.1,052.50 | `.1,099.99 |
B | Wages | `.30.00 | `.30.00 | `.50.00 |
Sub-total of A. (01- GIA) `.1,065.60 `.1,082.50 `.1,149.99
B. Non-Salary Head – 01-GIA
A | Office expenses | `.12.00 | `.9.60 | `.13.00 |
B | Training expenses | `.4.00 | `.4.00 | `.5.00 |
C | Purchase/Maint.of Generator/Machines | `.2.40 | `.2.40 | `.2.50 |
D | Maint. of Lai House | `.13.00 | `.13.00 | `.16.50 |
E | Purchase of 3 Computer sets | - | - | `1.50 |
Sub – total of B.(01-GIA) `.31.40 `.29.00 `.38.50
C.Non – salary Head – Local Revenue
A | Office expenses for Personnel Reform Cell | `.4.00 | `.4.00 | `.4.40 |
B | Travelling expenses | `.2.00 | `.2.00 | `.2.50 |
C | Financial Assistant to UPSC Aspirant | `.12.00 | - | - |
D | Hospitality Fund | `.3.00 | `.3.00 | `.2.00 |
E | Contingencies | `.2.00 | `.2.00 | `.2.50 |
Sub- total of C. (local revenue) `23.00 `.11.00 `.11.50
Total of Salary(01-GIA ) | `.1,065.60 | `.1,082.50 | `.1,149.99 |
Total of Non-salary(01-GIA) | `.31.40 | `.29.00 | `.38.50 |
Total of Non-salary(Local Revenue) | `.23.00 | `.11.00 | `.11.50 |
G.T. of (L/R + 01-GIA) | `.1,120.00 | `.1,122.50 | `.1,199.99 |
(12) The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes; [Section4(1)(b)(xii)] :-
As General Administration Department is not working Deptt. no subsidy programme is available. The Department does not execute any subsidy programme.
(13) Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it; Section 4( I )b)(xiii)] :- Not Applicable
(14) Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form; [Sectiona4(1)(b)(xiv)] :-
Website of Lai Autonomous District Council as Government Domain for the whole of its organisation was launched in the year 2013 with domain name main objective of the Website is to provide accurate, consistent content that will inform, educate and enlighten our citizens about the functions, services, activities, operations, Mandates. Many of its pages make valuable contribution to public on emerging social transformation. It provide information about Lai Autonomous District Council (LADC) Objective, Mission Vision, Activities, Training, Recruitments, Welfare, Web Map Services, Our Publications and Data products, Advertisement of vacancy of posts, Routine Orders & Circulars Latest News etc which is readily made available. Public and other Institutions can freely download documents, maps and data products and similar valuable information using our Official website.
The summary of the contents of LADC Website is placed below:
Sl.No | Main Menu | Sub-menu/information on page | Description |
1 | Home Page | Mission Statement | Outlines the mission statement of the Department |
| A brief information is given in the website. |
| Organization | Latest Information about the Officers and Employees can be access using the tab “ Organization” E- mail Id’s of important Offices and Senior Level Officers are available. |
| News & Highlights | It provides the latest information about the LADC. |
| Public Awareness | This provides enactment of laws etc. |
2 | About Us | Office Holders of LADC Organizational Structure | It provides name of CEM,Executive Members. Name of MDC |
3 | Departments |
| It provides name of Department under LADC |
4 | Returns | Property returns as provided by CCS Conduct Rules,1964 | Provides Property returns filed by each gazette officers |
5 | Tender |
| Provides different categories of tender floated by each deptt. |
6 | RTI | Application form Name of DAA,SPIO &SAPIO | Provides for details of public authorities |
7 | Acts & Rules | Acts, Rules & Regulation | Provides Acts, Rules & Regulation held by each deptt. |
| Downloads | Provides ,Circular, order Notification etc. |
(15) The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use; [Section 4(1)(b)(xv)] :-
The Department has a Facilitation Centre for public on the ground floor near the Gate. The centre also provides assistance to the public seeking information.
(16) The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers; [Section 4(1)b(xvi)] :-
Details of Public Authority under RTI Act,2005
Sl.No | Name of Department | D A A | S P I O | S A P I O |
1 | General Administration & Control | H.Lalruatkima Executive Secretary | Thansiama Under Secretary | Lalnunpuii Fanai Superintendent |
2 | Email ID |
| ||
3 | Contact No. | 9612 608 400 | 8413896164 | 9862823801 |
(17) Such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year; c) publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing the decisions which affect public; [Section 4(1) (b)xvii)] :-
B. Additional Category of lnformation to be disclosed under guidelines – Suo Motu disclosure of more items under Section 4
18 | lnformation related to Procurement | As per Manual |
19 | Public Private Partnership | NIL |
20 | Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders | As per Manual |
21 | RTl Applications | Available in Mizoram RTI Portal (online) |
22 | CAG &PAC Para's | There is no CAG/PAC para pending so far as GAD is concerned. |
23 | Citizen's Charter | View Section 4(1)b above |
24 | Discretionary & Non-discretionary Grants | Nil |
25 | Foreign/ Domestic Tour of ministers/ Officials | NIL |
26 | Form of accessibility Of lnformation manual/Handbook U/S4(1)(b) | Available in |
27 | Language in which lnformation Manual/Handbook available. | Available in English Mizo and local (Lai Language) |
28 | When was the lnformation Manual/ Handbook last updated? | Available : in the website/portal |
29 | Dissemination of information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the public[Section 4(3)] | View :- |
30 | Placing details of current /earlier SPIOs DAA SAPIO on the websites w.e.f. January | View :- |
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
1 | H. Lalruatkima | Executive Secretary | Electric Veng | 9612 608 400 |
2 | L.Z. Tluanga | Joint Secretary | Electric Veng | 9436 148 245 |
3 | C.D. Kima | Deputy Secretary | Lawngtlai – IV | 9436 378 228 |
4 | Thansiama | Under Secretary | Lawngtlai – IV | 8413 896 164 |
5 | Vanlalhnema | Addl. PS to CEM | Lawngtlai – IV | 8731 001 759 |
6 | Lalnunpuii Fanai | Superintendent | Bazar Veng | 9862 823 801 |
7 | Lalhminghlupuii Thangen | DRC | Aizawl | 9362 597 006 |
8 | David A. Lalhmingchhuana | Asst. DRC | Aizawl | 9612 853 803 |
9 | Lalramkimi | Assistant | Lawngtlai – IV | 8132 041 737 |
10 | S. Lawmchunga | Statistician | Council Veng | 6909 751 131 |
11 | Ramdinsangi Chinzah | UDC | Bazar Veng | 8787 723 479 |
12 | K. Lalhumchhungi | UDC | Lawngtlai – IV | 8974 590 368 |
13 | Vanlalhruaia | UDC | Bazar Veng | 9612 740 770 |
14 | Lalmuanpuii | UDC | Lawngtlai – III | 8575 794 684 |
15 | C. Lalpianruala | LDC | Lawngtlai – IV | 8414 826 621 |
16 | C. Lalhriatpuia | LDC | Electric Veng | 9436 791 656 |
17 | Lalvensangi Chinzah | LDC | Bazar Veng | 9612 229 424 |
18 | B. Lalramngaihzuali | LDC | Council Veng | 8132 812 041 |
19 | Jerusalem Lalhruaizeli | LDC | Lawngtlai – III | 9612 447 054 |
20 | B. Vanlalduatpuia | LDC (PA to CEM) | College Veng | 9089 916 938 |
21 | Lalthanpuii | LDC (PA to CEM) | Council Veng | 9612 197 945 |
22 | S. Vanlalenglawma | J.E (Electrical) | N. Vengpui | 9436 389 760 |
23 | C. Lalchhuanawma | Computer Operator | Bazar Veng | 9383 300 378 |
24 | Joshua T. Lalramdinmawia | Computer Operator | Lawngtlai – IV | 8119 824 846 |
25 | Lalroliana | Electrician | College Veng | 8414 031 728 |
26 | J. Lalrinngheta | Electrician | Lawngtlai – IV | 8413 007 768 |
27 | Joel R. Vanlalzuava | S.A | Lawngtlai – IV | 8731 084 255 |
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
28 | Ngunawia | Peon | College Veng | 9402 178 642 |
29 | MC. Lalsangliana | Peon | Council Veng | 7629 867 557 |
30 | V. Pathanga | Peon | N. Vengpui | 8414 971 193 |
31 | MS. Dawngliana | Peon | Lawngtlai – III | 8974 742 307 |
32 | PC. Lalnundika | Sweeper | Vengpui | 8798 567 689 |
33 | Jimmy Lallawmkima | Dak Runner | College Veng | 8730 175 457 |
34 | B. Thangzika | Dak Runner | Lawngtlai – III | 9862 967 025 |
35 | Lalmuanpuii | Peon | Council Veng | 8131 959 889 |
36 | S. Lalnunkima | Carpenter | Council Veng | 8787 777 121 |
37 | T. Lalliantluanga | Carpenter |
38 | Lalrikhuma | Driver | Lawngtlai – III | 9862 819 507 |
39 | K. Laldinliana | Driver | Lawngtlai – IV | 9612 853 976 |
40 | Joyanto Chakma | Driver | Electric Veng | 9612 715 737 |
41 | A. Lalthangzauva | Driver | Lawngtlai – IV | 9436 957 049 |
42 | C. Lalchanchinmawia | Driver | College Veng | 9862 016 205 |
43 | Zarzoliana | IV Grade | Kawlchaw |
44 | B. Lalengliana | Driver | College Veng | 9366 417 432 |
45 | M. Lalbiakmawia | Peon | Bazar | 9862 524 758 |
46 | Saplianpuii | Peon | Lawngtlai – IV |
47 | M. Lalrinmawii | Muster Roll | Bazar | 8731 082 978 |
48 | Maria N. Ramfangzauvi | Muster Roll | Bazar | 6909 701 590 |
49 | Lalawmpuii | Muster Roll | Vengpui | 8413 947 963 |
50 | Lalhriatpuii | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 8974 896 339 |
51 | Chatuan Malsawmsangi | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 8414 009 304 |
52 | Baby Laltanpuii | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III |
53 | Sangnghaki | Muster Roll | Electric Veng | 9612 235 843 |
54 | Lalramhluni | Muster Roll | Thingkah | 9077 316 392 |
55 | NC. Rosangzuala | Muster Roll | Electric Veng | 8415 890 045 |
56 | H. Vanlalrohlupuia | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III | 8415 035 368 |
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
57 | Biakthantluangi | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – IV | 7629 079 311 |
58 | Lalthlamuana | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 6909 138 850 |
59 | C. Lalbiakzuali | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III | 6909 880 766 |
60 | H. Vanmalsawmi | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – IV | 8974 782 996 |
61 | VL. Malsawma | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 8413 024 750 |
62 | Baby Lalnuntluangi | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III | 9612 613 765 |
63 | C. Lalchawiliana | Photographer (Fixed) | College Veng | 9436 555 672 |
Proactive Disclosure under Section 4 (1)(b)(xvii)
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
1 | H. Lalruatkima | Executive Secretary | Electric Veng | 9612 608 400 |
2 | L.Z. Tluanga | Joint Secretary | Electric Veng | 9436 148 245 |
3 | C.D. Kima | Deputy Secretary | Lawngtlai – IV | 9436 378 228 |
4 | Thansiama | Under Secretary | Lawngtlai – IV | 8413 896 164 |
5 | Vanlalhnema | Addl. PS to CEM | Lawngtlai – IV | 8731 001 759 |
6 | Lalnunpuii Fanai | Superintendent | Bazar Veng | 9862 823 801 |
7 | Lalhminghlupuii Thangen | DRC | Aizawl | 9362 597 006 |
8 | David A. Lalhmingchhuana | Asst. DRC | Aizawl | 9612 853 803 |
9 | Lalramkimi | Assistant | Lawngtlai – IV | 8132 041 737 |
10 | S. Lawmchunga | Statistician | Council Veng | 6909 751 131 |
11 | Ramdinsangi Chinzah | UDC | Bazar Veng | 8787 723 479 |
12 | K. Lalhumchhungi | UDC | Lawngtlai – IV | 8974 590 368 |
13 | Vanlalhruaia | UDC | Bazar Veng | 9612 740 770 |
14 | Lalmuanpuii | UDC | Lawngtlai – III | 8575 794 684 |
15 | C. Lalpianruala | LDC | Lawngtlai – IV | 8414 826 621 |
16 | C. Lalhriatpuia | LDC | Electric Veng | 9436 791 656 |
17 | Lalvensangi Chinzah | LDC | Bazar Veng | 9612 229 424 |
18 | B. Lalramngaihzuali | LDC | Council Veng | 8132 812 041 |
19 | Jerusalem Lalhruaizeli | LDC | Lawngtlai – III | 9612 447 054 |
20 | B. Vanlalduatpuia | LDC (PA to CEM) | College Veng | 9089 916 938 |
21 | Lalthanpuii | LDC (PA to CEM) | Council Veng | 9612 197 945 |
22 | S. Vanlalenglawma | J.E (Electrical) | N. Vengpui | 9436 389 760 |
23 | C. Lalchhuanawma | Computer Operator | Bazar Veng | 9383 300 378 |
24 | Joshua T. Lalramdinmawia | Computer Operator | Lawngtlai – IV | 8119 824 846 |
25 | Lalroliana | Electrician | College Veng | 8414 031 728 |
26 | J. Lalrinngheta | Electrician | Lawngtlai – IV | 8413 007 768 |
27 | Joel R. Vanlalzuava | S.A | Lawngtlai – IV | 8731 084 255 |
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
28 | Ngunawia | Peon | College Veng | 9402 178 642 |
29 | MC. Lalsangliana | Peon | Council Veng | 7629 867 557 |
30 | V. Pathanga | Peon | N. Vengpui | 8414 971 193 |
31 | MS. Dawngliana | Peon | Lawngtlai – III | 8974 742 307 |
32 | PC. Lalnundika | Sweeper | Vengpui | 8798 567 689 |
33 | Jimmy Lallawmkima | Dak Runner | College Veng | 8730 175 457 |
34 | B. Thangzika | Dak Runner | Lawngtlai – III | 9862 967 025 |
35 | Lalmuanpuii | Peon | Council Veng | 8131 959 889 |
36 | S. Lalnunkima | Carpenter | Council Veng | 8787 777 121 |
37 | T. Lalliantluanga | Carpenter |
38 | Lalrikhuma | Driver | Lawngtlai – III | 9862 819 507 |
39 | K. Laldinliana | Driver | Lawngtlai – IV | 9612 853 976 |
40 | Joyanto Chakma | Driver | Electric Veng | 9612 715 737 |
41 | A. Lalthangzauva | Driver | Lawngtlai – IV | 9436 957 049 |
42 | C. Lalchanchinmawia | Driver | College Veng | 9862 016 205 |
43 | Zarzoliana | IV Grade | Kawlchaw |
44 | B. Lalengliana | Driver | College Veng | 9366 417 432 |
45 | M. Lalbiakmawia | Peon | Bazar | 9862 524 758 |
46 | Saplianpuii | Peon | Lawngtlai – IV |
47 | M. Lalrinmawii | Muster Roll | Bazar | 8731 082 978 |
48 | Maria N. Ramfangzauvi | Muster Roll | Bazar | 6909 701 590 |
49 | Lalawmpuii | Muster Roll | Vengpui | 8413 947 963 |
50 | Lalhriatpuii | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 8974 896 339 |
51 | Chatuan Malsawmsangi | Muster Roll | Council Veng | 8414 009 304 |
52 | Baby Laltanpuii | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III |
53 | Sangnghaki | Muster Roll | Electric Veng | 9612 235 843 |
54 | Lalramhluni | Muster Roll | Thingkah | 9077 316 392 |
55 | NC. Rosangzuala | Muster Roll | Electric Veng | 8415 890 045 |
56 | H. Vanlalrohlupuia | Muster Roll | Lawngtlai – III | 8415 035 368 |
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
1 | Lalhminghlupuii Thangen | DRC | Bungkawn | 6009892781 |
2 | David A. Lalhmingchhuana | ARC | Bungkawn Vengthar | 9612853806 |
3 | Lalengzuava | System Administrator | Ramhlun Venglai | 9862300501 |
4 | F. Lalramchhana | Assistant | Kanan | 9774611619 |
5 | Maduhi Fambawl | UDC | Bungkawn | 8118910807 |
6 | TC Pari | LDC | Bungkawn | 9774625063 |
7 | Vanlalhluna | LDC | Chanmari | 8730976760 |
8 | K. Lalbiakzuala | LDC | Zotlang | 9612322199 |
9 | Laldinpuii Zathang | Receptionist | Thuampui | 8974860390 |
10 | Lalremsiama | Receptionist | Bungkawn Vengthar | 8974466870 |
11 | C. Vanlalsiamliani | LDC | Bungkawn | 7005033233 |
12 | Lalengsangi | Tabulator | Bungkawn | 9089070136 |
13 | Rosy Vanlalhmangaihi | LDC | Maubawk | 8794677213 |
14 | KC Zothanpuii | LDC | Mission Vengthlang | 9774520561 |
15 | TC Lalnunmawii | Teacher, M/S | Vaivakawn | 9436148540 |
16 | Lalnghakliana | Driver | Bethlehem Vengthlang | 8131989420 |
17 | B,Lalrozuala | Driver | Bungkawn | 9862691437 |
18 | Jeeten Kumar | IV Grade | Bungkawn | 6033088570 |
19 | Khuman Singh | IV Grade | Bungkawn | 8257947882 |
20 | Kapzami | Sanitation Worker | Bungkawn H/S Veng | 9612178546 |
21 | Lalhlimpuii | Sanitation Worker | Bungkawn | 9612738017 |
22 | Lalnunpari | Sanitation Worker | Bungkawn | 9774391932 |
23 | Rebek Lalnunpuii | Nurse (Contract basis) | Bungkawn Vengthar | 9612328043 |
24 | VT Lalduhchuangi | SSA | Bungkawn | 9612235601 |
25 | Vanlalhruaii | LDC (M/R) | Mission Veng | 8414934150 |
26 | Linda Lalrotluangi | Receptionist(M/R) | Mualpui | 9612820197 |
27 | Ngurthanzuali | Receptionist(M/R) | Tuikual ‘S’ | 8974953343 |
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
28 | Lalramchhuanga | Receptionist(M/R) | Bungkawn | 8258868166 |
29 | LH Lalchhuanmawii | Receptionist(M/R) | Khatla | 8730065212 |
30 | Rosy Lalbiakdiki | Receptionist(M/R) | Mission Vengthlang | 9612632473 |
31 | Lalchhuannguri | Receptionist(M/R) | Kulikawn | 8119870038 |
32 | Michael VL Awmpuia | LDC(M/R) | Bungkawn | 8119965482 |
33 | C Remsangpuii | LDC(M/R) | Bungkawn Vengthar | 8413023649 |
34 | Jessica Lalramawmpuii | LDC(M/R) | Tuikual ‘S’ | 8794283828 |
35 | Caroline T Lalrinzuali | LDC(M/R) | Electric Veng | 7085754275 |
36 | Lalramthianghlima | Driver(M/R) | Bungkawn | 8787404813 |
37 | Suisungpari | Sanitation Worker(M/R) | Bungkawn | 9612228610 |
38 | Lalsawmliani | Sanitation Worker(M/R) | Bungkawn | 9862017783 |
39 | K. Lalremmawii | Sanitation Worker(M/R) | Bungkawn Vengthar | 9077250225 |
40 | Lalruatdika | Security(M/R) | Bungkawn H/S Veng | 8798038488 |
41 | Vanlalrempuia | Security(M/R) | Thakthing | 6909839602 |
42 | Siamthanmawia | Security(M/R) | Maubawk | 6033206380 |
43 | F.Lalparmawii | Security(M/R) | Bungkawn | 8729805791 |
(x) The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees:
[Section 4 (1)(b)(ix)]
Sl.No | Name | Designation | Pay Level | Basic |
1 | H. Lalruatkima | Executive Secretary | 14 | 162500 |
2 | L.Z. Tluanga | Joint Secretary | 13 | 123100 |
3 | C.D. Kima | Deputy Secretary | 12 | 102800 |
4 | Thansiama | Under Secretary | 11 | 76200 |
5 | Vanlalhnema | Addl. PS to CEM | 10 | 57800 |
6 | Lalnunpuii Fanai | Superintendent | 8 | 56900 |
7 | Lalhminghlupuii Thangen | DRC | 11 | 83300 |
8 | David A. Lalhmingchhuana | Asst. DRC | 8 | 52000 |
9 | Lalramkimi | Assistant | 8 | 76500 |
10 | S. Lawmchunga | Statistician | 8 | 78800 |
11 | Ramdinsangi Chinzah | UDC | 6 | 43600 |
12 | K. Lalhumchhungi | UDC | 6 | 39900 |
13 | Vanlalhruaia | UDC | 6 | 39900 |
14 | Lalmuanpuii | UDC | 6 | 35400 |
15 | C. Lalpianruala | LDC | 6 | 60400 |
16 | C. Lalhriatpuia | LDC | 5 | 38100 |
17 | Lalvensangi Chinzah | LDC | 4 | 33300 |
18 | B. Lalramngaihzuali | LDC | 4 | 25500 |
19 | Jerusalem Lalhruaizeli | LDC | 4 | 25500 |
20 | B. Vanlalduatpuia | LDC (PA to CEM) | 4 | 27100 |
21 | Lalthanpuii | LDC (PA to CEM) | 5 | 41600 |
22 | S. Vanlalenglawma | J.E (Electrical) | 7 | 48100 |
23 | C. Lalchhuanawma | Computer Operator | 7 | 51000 |
24 | Joshua T. Lalramdinmawia | Computer Operator | 6 | 43600 |
25 | Lalroliana | Electrician | 4 | 27100 |
26 | J. Lalrinngheta | Electrician | 4 | 27100 |
27 | Joel R. Vanlalzuava | S.A | 4 | 27100 |
28 | Ngunawia | Peon | 1 | 18400 |
29 | MC. Lalsangliana | Peon | 1 | 17900 |
30 | V. Pathanga | Peon | 1 | 24100 |
31 | MS. Dawngliana | Peon | 2 | 37200 |
Sl.No | Name | Designation | Pay Level | Basic |
32 | PC. Lalnundika | Sweeper | 1 |
33 | Jimmy Lallawmkima | Dak Runner | 2 | 22400 |
34 | B. Thangzika | Dak Runner | 2 | 21100 |
35 | Lalmuanpuii | Peon | 1 | 17400 |
36 | S. Lalnunkima | Carpenter | 4 | 31400 |
37 | T. Lalliantluanga | Carpenter | 4 | 31400 |
38 | Lalrikhuma | Driver | 4 | 25500 |
39 | K. Laldinliana | Driver | 2 | 31100 |
40 | Joyanto Chakma | Driver | 7 | 57400 |
41 | A. Lalthangzauva | Driver | 4 | 33300 |
42 | C. Lalchanchinmawia | Driver | 2 | 19900 |
43 | Zarzoliana | IV Grade | 1 | 17400 |
44 | B. Lalengliana | Driver | 2 |
45 | M. Lalbiakmawia | Peon | 1 | 22000 |
46 | Saplianpuii | Peon | 1 | 20200 |
47 | M. Lalrinmawii | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
48 | Maria N. Ramfangzauvi | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
49 | Lalawmpuii | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
50 | Lalhriatpuii | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
51 | Chatuan Malsawmsangi | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
52 | Baby Laltanpuii | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
53 | Sangnghaki | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
54 | Lalramhluni | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
55 | NC. Rosangzuala | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
56 | H. Vanlalrohlupuia | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
57 | Biakthantluangi | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
58 | Lalthlamuana | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
59 | C. Lalbiakzuali | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
60 | H. Vanmalsawmi | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
61 | VL. Malsawma | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
62 | Baby Lalnuntluangi | Muster Roll |
| 12600 |
63 | C. Lalchawiliana | Photographer (Fixed) | 20000 (Fixed) |
Sl.No | Name | Designation | Pay Level | Basic |
1 | Lalhminghlupuii Thangen | DRC | 11 | 83300 |
2 | David A. Lalhmingchhuana | ARC |
3 | Lalengzuava | System Administrator |
4 | F. Lalramchhana | Assistant |
5 | Maduhi Fambawl | UDC | 6 | 47600 |
6 | TC. Pari | LDC | 6 | 60400 |
7 | Vanlalhluna | LDC | 5 | 44100 |
8 | K. Lalbiakzuala | LDC | 4 | 33300 |
9 | Laldinpuii Zathang | Receptionist | 5 | 49600 |
10 | Lalremsiama | Receptionist | 5 | 39200 |
11 | C. Vanlalsiamliani | LDC | 4 | 28700 |
12 | Lalengsangi | Tabulator |
13 | Rosy Vanlalhmangaihi | LDC | 4 | 28700 |
14 | KC. Zothanpuii | LDC | 5 | 48200 |
15 | TC. Lalnunmawii | Teacher, M/S |
16 | Lalnghakliana | Driver |
17 | B. Lalrozuala | Driver |
18 | Jeeten Kumar | IV Grade | 2 | 38300 |
19 | Khuman Singh | IV Grade | 1 | 23400 |
20 | Kapzami | Sanitation Worker |
21 | Lalhlimpuii | Sanitation Worker |
22 | Lalnunpari | Sanitation Worker |
23 | Rebek Lalnunpuii | Nurse (Contract basis) |
24 | VT Lalduhchuangi | SSA |
25 | Vanlalhruaii | LDC (M/R) |
26 | Linda Lalrotluangi | Receptionist(M/R) |
27 | Ngurthanzuali | Receptionist(M/R) |
28 | Lalramchhuanga | Receptionist(M/R) |
29 | LH Lalchhuanmawii | Receptionist(M/R) |
30 | Rosy Lalbiakdiki | Receptionist(M/R) |
31 | Lalchhuannguri | Receptionist(M/R) |
32 | Michael VL Awmpuia | LDC(M/R) |
Sl.No | Name | Designation | Pay Level | Basic |
33 | C Remsangpuii | LDC (M/R) |
34 | Jessica Lalramawmpuii | LDC (M/R) |
35 | Caroline T Lalrinzuali | LDC (M/R) |
36 | Lalramthianghlima | Driver (M/R) |
37 | Suisungpari | Sanitation Worker(M/R) |
38 | Lalsawmliani | Sanitation Worker(M/R) |
39 | K. Lalremmawii | Sanitation Worker(M/R) |
40 | Lalruatdika | Security(M/R) |
41 | Vanlalrempuia | Security(M/R) |
42 | Siamthanmawia | Security(M/R) |
43 | F.Lalparmawii | Security(M/R) |
Proactive Disclosure under Section 4 (1)(b)(xvii)
Sl No | Name | Designation | Address | Contact No.& email |
1 | H. Lalruatkima | Executive Secretary | Electric Veng | 9612 608 400 |
2 | L.Z. Tluanga | Joint Secretary | Electric Veng | 9436 148 245 |
3 | C.D. Kima | Deputy Secretary | Lawngtlai – IV | 9436 378 228 |
4 | Thansiama | Under Secretary | Lawngtlai – IV | 8413 896 164 |
5 | Vanlalhnema | Addl. PS to CEM | Lawngtlai – IV | 8731 001 759 |
6 | Lalnunpuii Fanai | Superintendent | Bazar Veng | 9862 823 801 |
7 | Lalhminghlupuii Thangen | DRC | Aizawl | 9362 597 006 |
8 | David A. Lalhmingchhuana | Asst. DRC | Aizawl | 9612 853 803 |
9 | Lalramkimi | Assistant | Lawngtlai – IV | 8132 041 737 |
10 | S. Lawmchunga | Statistician | Council Veng | 6909 751 131 |
11 | Ramdinsangi Chinzah |