Northeastern Region Textile Promotion Scheme hnuaia Handloom Self-Help Group (Lawngtlai Cluster leh Vathuampui Cluster) zawng zawngte handloom weaving centre i/e Workshed (Puantahna hmun) te enkawl faia, check theih turea inbuatsaih vek tur ani. Puantahna en theihloh te leh check laia awm lote chu Handloom SHG ina an dawn tur angte an dawng thei tawh lovang. Eng hunah pawh en theih tura inrin reng tur ani.
Who is WhoBrief History of LADC Environment, Forest & Climate Change, LADC Office & Divisions
Lai Autonomous District Council
About the Department
General Administration & Control Department Education and Human Resources Department (P/S)Land Resources Soil & Water Conservation DepartmentInformation & Public Relations DepartmentAdministrative Setup of LADCIncumbency Chart of Executive SecretariesLIST OF LADC GENERAL SERVICE OFFICERSContact Number of HoD/HoO
Citizen's Charter
Citizen's Charter
LADC RTI RulesList of RTI OfficerRTI Monthly Update PageRTI Quarterly Updater PageRTI Monthly Updater Page
RTI Department Disclosure
Soil & Water Conservation DepartmentLocal Administration DepartmentPlanning & Prog. ImplementationAgriculture DepartmentHorticulture DepartmentSanitation DepartmentFisheries DepartmentIndustries Department - One Year AchievementSericulture DepartmentSPORTS & YOUTH SERVICE DEPTINFORMATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENTANIMAL HUSBANDRY & VETERINARY DEPTTAXATION DEPARTMENTLand revenue & Settlement Dept.Rural Development Dept.Education Dept. (Primary School)Art & CultureGeneral Administration DeptCO-OPERATION DEPARTMENTEDUCATION DEPARTMENT M/SAH & Vety DepartmentIndustry DepartmentO.M/NotificationFOREST DEPARTMENT RTIPublic Health Engineering Department