Vawiin 12th October 2021, dar 11.00 am khan Pu H.Lalmuansanga ,MDC, 24- Tuithumhnar Constituency chu Governor of Mizoramin Protem Chairman atana a ruat angin, Dr. Andrew H.Vanlaldika,Deputy Commissioner Chuan Rinawmna thu tiam tiring a la lut a ni. Pu H.Lalmuansanga hi EM leh MDC ten a oath lak hi an tawiawm a ni.
Who is WhoBrief History of LADC Environment, Forest & Climate Change, LADC Office & Divisions
Lai Autonomous District Council
About the Department
General Administration & Control Department Education and Human Resources Department (P/S)Land Resources Soil & Water Conservation DepartmentInformation & Public Relations DepartmentAdministrative Setup of LADCIncumbency Chart of Executive SecretariesLIST OF LADC GENERAL SERVICE OFFICERSContact Number of HoD/HoO
Citizen's Charter
Citizen's Charter
LADC RTI RulesList of RTI OfficerRTI Monthly Update PageRTI Quarterly Updater PageRTI Monthly Updater Page
RTI Department Disclosure
Soil & Water Conservation DepartmentLocal Administration DepartmentPlanning & Prog. ImplementationAgriculture DepartmentHorticulture DepartmentSanitation DepartmentFisheries DepartmentIndustries Department - One Year AchievementSericulture DepartmentSPORTS & YOUTH SERVICE DEPTINFORMATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENTANIMAL HUSBANDRY & VETERINARY DEPTTAXATION DEPARTMENTLand revenue & Settlement Dept.Rural Development Dept.Education Dept. (Primary School)Art & CultureGeneral Administration DeptCO-OPERATION DEPARTMENTEDUCATION DEPARTMENT M/SAH & Vety DepartmentIndustry DepartmentO.M/NotificationFOREST DEPARTMENT RTIPublic Health Engineering Department